Cash Home Buyers In Lowell

One Step Safeguards Your Family From The Spread of COVID-19 in Lowell

Well, we’re this far into the pandemic and admittedly everyone is getting tired of it—so, so soooo tired! The constant barrage of news, closings, and changes in government warnings has gotten everybody’s nerves frayed.  The State of Massachusetts’ website shows that Lowell is one of the higher-risk areas of our state. And yet, the single, MOST IMPORTANT and simple thing you and your family can do to stay safe is this: wash your hands the right way! So today, we’re going to shift gears a bit. Instead of writing like we usually do about real estate news and tips to maximize your profits when you sell your house, we’re providing you with this simple infographic that shows everyone exactly how health experts recommend we wash our hands.  I’ve found that this infographic is so easy to share with others! Please share it out with everyone you think could use this information! It is especially useful for children and teens since they are the ones most likely to skip over a thorough hand … Continued